It's All About Love, Lifestyle, and Story of My Life

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Unforgettable Moment

Today was amazing.. Spent a whole day with you was a very unforgettable moment..
You are great, though we’re doing nothing but going around, it was fun and lovely..
As your promise to me, you will do what I said for today.. You’re mine for today..
There was so much fun we’ve got today, and also tired. But it was all worthy..
Today is the greatest and amazing birthday for me.. And I get my very special gift, that is YOU..
I’m so glad to have you in my life..
Hope you will be the last for me..
I love you, sayang ♥


Anonymous said...

cinta itu bisa mengubah seseorang loh...
yang biasanya gag pernah absen lembur, jadi gag masuk...
axactly great...
immposible but it happened....

FieR_p0eNya said...

haha jgn buka kartu laah mas :p