It's All About Love, Lifestyle, and Story of My Life
Monday, October 25, 2010
Love Hurts
But it's too small for you to think about..
Though my nights are colorful with your dreams..
Still my days mourn in your absence..
You mean so much and I care that much..
Better I watch you from here..
So far yet so near..
When I think of love, I think of you..
Both hurt me..
Love hurts me with you..
And you hurt me without love..
Sad Ending
but, the answer is not as i think..he refused me!!he said he didn't love me!!he just acts me as his sister!!
Gosh,,i hope i can accept the fact!!i hope i can face the world!!i hope i still can be nice to him!!
even i must pretend nothing happen,,pretend that im ok..
i believe all will be beautiful in its time..
i hope so..
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Life is Sucks!!
but I can't do nothing!!
this isn't fair!!
why I never get what I want!!
really really unfair!!
I want a justice!!
I want a chance!!
I want him badly!!
please, only this time, I want him so much!!
smile in pain :')
but why I couldn't express it to him..
I expressed it, but he didn't realize..
he didn't care to me, I know he ignores me slowly..
even I must be nice to the woman I get jealous with..
it's really really hurt me..
hope he knew that..
God, I really really need Your help, so that I won't get hurt..
I'm begging You, My Lord, to end this suffering..
please, give me a sureness..
Thursday, October 21, 2010
no more hiding in the end!
if one day he know the truth, I won't lie..
I will say it loudly and proudly, I LOVE YOU SO!
I don't even care with his response! the important thing to me is he knew what I feel.
I don't ask him to love me back, but at least he gives his respect toward my feeling...
but, as long as he didn't know the truth, I'll try my best to give more attention to him :)
I Love The Most!!

My Idol!!!

hey,,finally I found my idol's fb a few days ago! I've been to be his fans for many years.. He's so cute firstly.. but after I know him more, he's really really nice!! he's generous and funny guy! I've talked with him and we've fun together! though I never meet him, but I'm quite comfort with him :) his name is Didiet Nugroho, he's a drummer in Ari Lasso band. and he is sooooooo handsomeeee!!! ;)
Let It Free!♥
month by month I used to express what I felt in a shape of poems. but lately, I try to express it naturally. I wrote it as I wrote a diary (finally I remember how to write a diary!lolz). day by day, I tell all my secret, something what I feel inside my heart, a little pieces of my life!
I'm tired to be romantic.
I want to free myself! I want to be myself, not being somebody else!
People I Hate The MOST!
- Agung Budi Bhakti ==> who the hell is he??
He's just one of a man who ever broke my heart. but he's the one I hate the most! he made me cry for almost a month full! he's the one who made me almost doing suicide! I hate him a lot! if u ask me, who is the one I want to kill, the answer is him! Ok, stop talking bout it! it just reminds me to him!
- Eva Soraya ==> Damn Slut!
She's the one I won't meet anymore! she used to be my friend! but since she stole my bf, the one I wrote #1, I won't know her anymore in my life! she's like any other bitch in around the world who use her trick to get what her want! she had ruined my friend's life, my sister's life, and the worst of all of course she had ruined my life! I will never forgive her for all my life!
- Neil Sam ==> A Liar!
He's my ex-bf. his origin is from Malaysia. Gosh, he made me blind in love with his fake promise and his sweet words! I was blind for months, like a fool waiting for him to accomplish his promise! he's the one who make me didn't believe in fake world anymore! he hurts me a lot!
- Wanna be the next?lolz xd